EUC Score Test Results

Test Results Collected from EUC Score Experiments

EUC Score experiments are designed to measures and quantifies perceived end-user experience in remote applications and digital workplaces, both on premises and in the cloud. This is the landing page leading to different examples and categories of EUC test results obtained in community-driven experiments.

Selected test results organized in chronological order are listed below. They are only a small subset of many data sets collected during a range of community-driven experiments, but they can give you a good impression of the EUC Score capabilities.

Test results organized by categories
[Reference]  [Microsoft]  [Citrix]  [Horizon]  [Parallels]  [Dizzion Frame]  [Thin Clients]


Pinned - Reference Data Sets

Date Link Category and Description
21 Aug 2022 Single View [Reference] Single view of the EUC Score lab reference endpoint device NUC2 connected over the Remote Desktop Protocol to the physical reference Windows workstation Lancelot. Other test results can be compared with this baseline data set.
21 Aug 2022 Side-by-Side View [Reference] Side-by-side comparison of the physical reference Windows workstation Lancelot with GPU and without GPU. The RDP connections are established from the lab reference endpoint device NUC2.


Date Link Category and Description
25 Mar 2024 Windows 365 Enterprise: Microsoft RDP versus Citrix HDX [Citrix + Microsoft] Compare Microsoft RDP versus Citrix HDX on a remote desktop connection to an entry-level Windows 365 Enterprise VM with 2 vCPUs and 8GB of memory.
22 Jan 2024 Parallels RAS 19 Accelerated File Redirection [Parallels + Microsoft] Analyze how much Parallels RAS Accelerated File Redirection speeds up the mapping of local files and folders in RDS and AVD desktops.
22 Jan 2024 Parallels RAS 19 Universal Printing [Parallels + Microsoft] Investigate the performance benefits of Parallels RAS Universal Printing when compared to Remote Desktop Easy Print that is built into RDS and AVD.
8 Jan 2024 FSLogix Profiles on Azure Files versus Azure NetApp Files [Microsoft + ControlUp] Compare FSLogix stored on Azure Files versus Azure NetApp Files, both on identical Azure VM types and monitored with ControlUp.


Date Link Category and Description
19 Oct 2023 VMware TestDrive GPU vs No GPU [Horizon] Explore the the difference between a Blast connection to a VMware TestDrive VM with NVIDIA L40-2Q GPU versus a VM without GPU.
19 Oct 2023 VMware TestDrive Blast vs PCoIP [Horizon] Analyze the difference between a high-latency Blast connection versus a high-latency PCoIP connection to a VMware TestDrive VM with an NVIDIA L40-2Q GPU partition.
19 Oct 2023 VMware TestDrive Blast vs "Web Blast" [Horizon] Compare a high-latency Blast connection from the full Horizon client with a high-latency Blast connection from a Chrome browser ("Web Blast").
10 Feb 2023 RDP over LAN vs Dizzion Frame Remoting Protocol on Azure [Frame + Microsoft] Compare an RDP session on a physical Windows workstation to Frame Remoting Protocol (FRP) connections to Windows VMs with GPU on Azure.
10 Feb 2023 RDP over LAN vs Dizzion Frame Remoting Protocol on AWS [Frame + AWS] Compare an RDP session on a physical Windows workstation to Frame Remoting Protocol (FRP) connections to Windows VMs with GPU on Amazon Workspaces.
10 Feb 2023 RDP over LAN vs Dizzion Frame Remoting Protocol on GCP [Frame + Google] Compare an RDP session on a physical Windows workstation to Frame Remoting Protocol (FRP) connections to Windows VMs with GPU on Google Cloud Platform.
26 Jan 2023 Thin Client + AVD vs Windows Client + Local Host [Thin Clients + Microsoft] Explore the difference between a remote connection from a thin client to an AVD session with a remote connection from the Windows reference client NUC2 to the local reference host PC Lancelot.
26 Jan 2023 Thin Client Hardware Comparisons [Thin Clients + Microsoft] Compare the performance of different thin client types under IGEL OS 11.8 when connected to an Azure Virtual Desktop session.
26 Jan 2023 Win365 Cloud PC - Windows Client versus Thin Client [Thin Clients + Microsoft] Compare the performance when connecting to an entry-level Windows 365 Cloud PC from a Windows client or from a thin client.
26 Jan 2023 Thin Client over FRP versus Windows Client over RDP [Thin Clients + Frame] Find out how good a remote connection is over Frame Remoting Protocol (FRP) from the Chromium browser of a thin client under IGEL OS 11.8.
26 Jan 2023 Frame on IGEL OS (Chromium) [Thin Clients + Frame] Find out what the performance impact is on an Azure VM connection over Frame FRP from a Chromium browser in IGEL OS 11.8 when the assignment of the client GPU didn't work.


Date Link Category and Description
11 Dec 2022 Parallels RAS 19 [Parallels] Find out what the results are when running Score Simloads (= type 3) on an Azure D4s v3 VM with Parallels RAS 19.
11 Dec 2022 Parallels RAS vs Win365 [Parallels + Microsoft] Find out what the difference is between an entry-level Windows 365 Cloud PC wit 2 vCPUs and an Azure D4s v3 VM with 4 vCPUs and RAS 19.
11 Dec 2022 Parallels RAS vs NUC2 [Parallels] Explore the difference between the physical NUC2 reference PC and an Azure D4s v3 VM with RAS 19.
25 Sep 2022 Citrix Cloud on Azure [Citrix] Explore the perceived user experience of a HDX connection from the EUC Score lab in Germany to a GPU-accelerated Citrix session hosted on Azure West Europe.
25 Sep 2022 Lancelot vs Citrix Cloud on Azure [Citrix] Compare an RDP connection to the physical reference lab machine Lancelot with a HDX connection to a GPU-accelerated Citrix session hosted on Azure West Europe.
1 Sep 2022 D8ads v5 vs Windows 365 Business [Microsoft] Find out if a Windows 365 Business Cloud PC 2vGPU/8GB/128GB can keep up with an AVD D8ads v5 VM.
30 Aug 2022 Lancelot vs Windows 365 Business [Microsoft] Are there workloads where the performance of the entry-level Windows 365 Business Cloud PC 2vGPU/8GB/128GB comes close to the reference host PC Lancelot?
30 Aug 2022 RDP-TCP versus RDP Shortpath (no GPU) [Microsoft] Explore the difference between RDP-TCP and RDP Shortpath on an AVD D8ads v5 VM.
30 Aug 2022 RDP-TCP versus RDP Shortpath (M60 GPU) [Microsoft] Explore the difference between RDP-TCP and RDP Shortpath on an AVD NV6 VM.
30 Aug 2022 Lancelot vs Azure D8ads v5 [Microsoft] Compare an RDP connection to the physical lab machine Lancelot without GPU with an Azure Virtual Desktop D8ads v5 VM.
30 Aug 2022 Lancelot vs Azure NV4as v4 [Microsoft] Compare an RDP connection to the physical lab machine Lancelot (NVIDIA M5000 GPU) with an Azure Virtual Desktop NV4as v4 VM (1/8 of an AMD M25 GPU).
30 Aug 2022 Lancelot vs Azure NV6 [Microsoft] Compare an RDP connection to the physical lab machine Lancelot (NVIDIA M5000 GPU) with an Azure Virtual Desktop NV6 VM (NVIDIA M60 GPU).
30 Aug 2022 AVD NCasT4 v3 [Microsoft] Explore the performance of the NVIDIA T4-powered AVD NCasT4 v3 VM when running a very demanding OpenGL application.
30 Aug 2022 AVD D8ads v5 [Microsoft] Incompatible use cases: Find out what can go wrong when running demanding graphics workloads in an AVD D8ads v5 VM without GPU.
22 May 2022 Parallels RAS - HTML5 [Parallels] Find out if there is a noticeable difference between the Parallels RAS 19 HTML5 client and the Parallels RAS 19 full client.
22 May 2022 VMware TestDrive 2022 [Horizon] Measure the perceived user experience from the EUC Score lab in Germany to a GPU-accelerated Blast session hosted on VMware Test Drive located in VMware's Houston datacenter.


How it works

EUC Score test results are visualized in the HTML5 Sync Player that runs inside a browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The Sync Player client area is divided into two foreground media output tiles at the top, a numerical data visualization area at the bottom, and a control and status bar in the footer. The horizontal bar at the top of a screen video tile contains a title on the left and two icons on the right side. A click on the first icon opens a popup with setup details. A click on the second icon zooms into the screen video. A click on the Report button in the bottom right corner of the footer opens an overlay dialog in the data visualization area, showing test observations and findings.

In Single View Mode, the top left tile contains a test run screen video and the top right tile shows animated text representing timely correlated user activities and session runtime details. The numerical data visualization area shows animated telemetry data collected on the host side.

In Double View Mode or Side-by-Side View Mode, both top tiles include test run screen videos with a yellow border on the left side and a red border on the right side. The numerical data visualization area shows animated telemetry data collected on the host side and color-coded according to the video border colors.

If you want to learn how the EUC Score results were produced then check out EUC Score Test Methodology and EUC Score Toolset.