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Sync Player

The Sync Player - sometimes referred to as Side-by-Side Player - is an HTML5 application that runs inside a browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. It was designed to playback videos, show system and user activities, and animate telemetry data side-by-side with a single slider control and in a synchronized fashion. The Sync Player is typically used in conjunction with datasets generated during EUC Score test runs, using screen video recorders and telemetry data collectors.

It is important to note that both the system under test and the primary user's endpoint device act as data or video sources. The two nodes may be at locations far away from each other. This is why data and file timestamps are very important for the synchronisation of the test result visualizations.


Sync Player Data Analytics


After the Installation of the EUC Score Sync Player installer package, the Sync Player templates, components, and libraries are located in the EUCScore\SyncPlayer subfolder. To build your own customized side-by-side visualizations, create new .html files using the examples as a starting point. For the build automation of complete sets of run visualizations, please refer to the build automation subchapter below.

The top left media tile always includes an MP4 video (= "pacemaker" video). The top right media tile includes either another video or animated text output using .ref file data. The title bar at the top of each media tile includes one line of description text. The individual media tiles are surrounded by a border, each in a different color used for color-coding the data visualization. Important: The video aspect ratio must always be maintained.

The numerical data visualization area is located below the media tiles. It shows eight graphs with timely correlated and animated telemetry data collected on the host side. Each graph shows a title, axis labels and either one or two progressive lines. One or two .csv files created by the Avatar, the Simload Runner or any other performance data collector act as the data source for the numerical data.

The control and status bar in the footer includes video controls (play, pause and progress bar) and status information, such as elapsed time and total time. On the right side is a URL that includes the link to a help page and a button that opens or closes the report popup box.

In singe view, the Sync Player client area is divided into one foreground media output tile and one system and user activity tile on the top (each including a title bar), a numerical data visualization area at the bottom and a control and status bar in the footer.


Sync Player Single View


In side-by-side view (= double view), the Sync Player client area is divided into two foreground media output tiles on the top (each including a title bar), a numerical data visualization area at the bottom and a control and status bar in the footer. The progressive lines in the data charts are color-coded according to the color of the borders surrounding the media tiles.


Sync Player Side-by-Side View


Sync Player Clips - Build Automation

Each test run visualization in the Sync Player is encoded as an HTML file. To avoid manual editing, there is a set of build automation PowerShell scripts for an entire test sequence. To see PowerShell script syntax details, use the Get-Help comdlet.

Single View

  1. Create-SimloadFolders.ps1: Create folder structure with individual Simload subfolders.
  2. Create-IniSingle.ps1: Create .ini file for Sync Player clips in single view mode.
  3. Create-CsvNormalized.ps1: Create normalized .csv files from the telemetry files in each Simload subfolder.
  4. Create-CsvSingle.ps1: Read normalized telemetry data and create new .csv file with eight or twelve columns.
  5. Create-HtmlSingle.ps1: Create .html files for Sync Player clip in single view mode.

Double View

  1. Create-IniDouble.ps1: Create .ini files from two single view .ini files for Sync Player clips in side-by-side view mode (= double).
  2. Create-HtmlDouble.ps1: Create .html files for Sync Player clips in side-by-side view mode (= double view).

The Sync Player build scripts import frequently used functions and strings from the EUCScore-PsLib.psm1 module in the root folder. Each start of a build script including its parameters is logged in the BuildScriptLogFile.log file located in the test run target folder.

It is possible to run each build script multiple times. In the case of .ini build scripts, the first run creates a new .ini files with default values. Any subsequent run will inherit the values of the existing .ini file and create a backup file with a timestamp.

The build scripts were used to create the Sample Results


STEP 1: Check prerequisites and create separate subfolder for each test run

At the beginning, each test sequence is represented by a dedicated root folder where all dataset files of the test sequence need to be located. This root folder must also include a _libsX subfolder with Java Script libraries (bootstrap, chart, jquery) and CSS files. Another prerequisite is a _templatesX sub folder with .html templates used by the PowerShell build scripts. The X in the subfolder names represents the version.

The first build script creates a separate subfolder for each test run in the root folder and moves all data files that belong to a test run from the root folder to its subfolder. Each subfolder name corresponds to the name of the respective Simload, for example SL1-DominoOpenGL.

  • .\Create-SimloadFolders.ps1 -DataFolder <string>
Parameter Description
-Datafolder A required parameter that specifies the full path to the test run root folder that contains the full set of .mp4, .csv and .ref result files.

Subsequent build scripts only run without errors if each test run subfolder contains the following data files:

  • One (and only one) MP4 video file created by the screen recorder. The video file name MUST include the Simload name, for example SL1-DominoOpenGL-2023-07-20 09-46-42.mp4.
  • The activity file with the .ref extension created by the Simload. The activity file name MUST include the Simload name, for example NUC2_Benny_SL1-DominoOpenGL-2023-07-20-09-46-25.ref.
  • The CSV telemetry file created by the Avatar Telemetry Collector or the Simload Runner. The file name MUST start with "Telemetry" and it MUST include the Simload name, for example Telemetry_NUC2_Benny_SL1-DominoOpenGL_2023-07-20-09-47-09.csv.

If any of the prerequisites is not met, the PowerShell scripts may fail and throw error messages. With all result files of a test sequence in one single root folder, the Create-SimloadFolders script builds the correct subfolder structure.


STEP 2: Create INI file for Single View Mode

In Single View Mode, Sync Player shows a top left tile that contains a test run screen video and a top right tile with animated text representing timely correlated user activities and session runtime details. The numerical data visualization area shows animated telemetry data collected on the host side.

The Create-IniSingle script creates an .ini file in the test sequence root folder. In the example below, the data folder is named TestRun1 und the .ini file is named TestRun1.ini.

  • .\Create-IniSingle.ps1 -DataFolder <string> -IniFile <string> [-LengthInSec <int>] [-CountDownInSec <int>]
Parameter Description
-Datafolder A required parameter that specifies the full path to the test run root folder that contains the full set of .mp4, .csv and .ref result files. An example is d:\EUCScore-Results\Sequence1.
-IniFile A required parameter that specifies the name of the .ini file that is created in the DataFolder folder. An example is Sequence1.ini.
-LengthInSec An optional parameter that specifies the lenght of each test run in seconds. Default is 45.
-CountDownInSec An optional parameter that specifies the lenght of the countdown in seconds before the test run starts. The number of countdown seconds is later added to the timestamps in the .csv files. Default is 1.

NOTE: Check out the syntax of the script with Get-Help .\Create-IniSingle.ps1

The resulting .ini file automatically opens in a text editor, allowing to change the "EDIT..." values in the [Specs] and [Common] sections.

  • SutLogicalProcessors: Number of logical processors in the system under test.
  • SutCpuMaxClockSpeed: Maximum clock speed of the CPU in MHz.
  • CountDownInSec: Countdown in seconds before the screen recording was started.
  • StartDelayInMilliseconds: Any delay in milliseconds that may affect video to telemetry synchronicity.
  • LeftTitle: This string is displayed in the title bar of the left media tile.
  • RightTitle: This string is displayed in the title bar of the right media tile.
  • LeftDescription: System under test description in the left drop-down card element.
  • RightDescription: System under test description in the right drop-down card element.
  • (Left/Right)Connection: Specification of the network connection displayed in the drop-down card elements.
  • (Left/Right)Endpoint: Hardware and software specification of the client device displayed in the drop-down card elements.

Add findings and comments specific to a test run to the ReportFindings, ReportTableCommentLeft and ReportTableCommentRight keys. These strings will be inserted into the Simload-specific report files.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that Header values in the [Telemetry*] sections reflect the headers in the CSV telemetry files.


STEP 3: Normalize CSV data

The Create-CsvNormalized script converts telemetry files in each Simload subfolder into normalized .csv files. It reads the raw telemetry files and creates new .csv files with a predefined structure in preparation for the filtering in the next step.

  • .\Create-CsvNormalized.ps1 -DataFolder <string> -IniFile <string>
Parameter Description
-Datafolder A required parameter that specifies the full path to the test run root folder that contains the full set of .mp4, .csv and .ref result files. An example is d:\EUCScore-Results\Sequence1.
-IniFile A required parameter that specifies the name of the .ini file that is created in the DataFolder folder. An example is Sequence1.ini.


STEP 4: Extract or filter CSV data

The Create-CsvSingle script uses the keys in one of the the [Telemetry] sections to create new .csv files in each SL* subfolder, adding the prefix STD or GPU to the file names. These new .csv files only include the selected columns.

In the [Telemetry] sections, the value of Header0 is always TimeStamp|1000. The values of Header1 through Header8 (or Header12) must match the EXACT string of a column header in the .csv files. Please check if the column headers configured in [Telemetry8Std] and [Telemetry8GPU] really exist, otherwise the script will break when trying to create STD and GPU .csv files.

  • .\Create-CsvSingle.ps1 -DataFolder <string> -IniFile <string> [-Telemetry <string>]
Parameter Description
-Datafolder A required parameter that specifies the full path to the test run root folder that contains the full set of .mp4, .csv and .ref result files. An example is d:\EUCScore-Results\Sequence1.
-IniFile A required parameter that specifies the name of the .ini file that is created in the DataFolder folder. An example is Sequence1.ini.
-Telemetry An optional parameter that specifies the section name in the .ini file with csv format settings. Default is Telemetry8Std.

After running these scripts successfully, you'll find new STD-*.csv and GPU-*.csv files in each SL1 subfolder.


STEP 5: Create HTML files for Single View Mode

The Create-HtmlSingle script uses the templates, the .ref files and the new .csv files to create an individual .html file for each test run in a SL* subfolder.

  • .\Create-HtmlSingle.ps1 -DataFolder <string> -IniFile <string> [-Telemetry <string>]
Parameter Description
-Datafolder A required parameter that specifies the full path to the test run root folder that contains the full set of .mp4, .csv and .ref result files. An example is d:\EUCScore-Results\Sequence1.
-IniFile A required parameter that specifies the name of the .ini file that is created in the DataFolder folder. An example is Sequence1.ini.
-Telemetry An optional parameter that specifies the section name in the .ini file with csv format settings. Default is Telemetry8Std.

In addition, the script creates a LinkList-STD-Foldername.html or LinkList-GPU-Foldername.html file in the Simload root folder.

IMPORTANT: Building the Sync Player single view HTML files requires the _template3 folder with the HTML templates to be located in the same root folder as the PowerShell build scripts. The _libs3 folder is also located in the root folder. It contains all CSS and JavaScript files that are needed during the runtime of a Sync Player clip. The relative path of this library folder must always be maintained. If this is not the case, the clips will not start.


STEP 6: Create INI file for Side-by-Side View Mode (= Double)

In Side-by-Side View Mode, both top tiles include test run screen videos with a yellow border on the left side and a red border on the right side. The numerical data visualization area shows animated telemetry data collected on the host side and color-codeed according to the video border colors.

Prerequisite is TWO data folders with their respective single view .ini files. The Create-4IniDouble-8Charts script creates a new data folder with its side-by-side .ini file.

  • .\Create-IniDouble.ps1 -RootFolder <string> -SourceIniPath1 <string> -SourceIniPath2 <string> -TargetName <string> [-Prefix <string>]
Parameter Description
-RootFolder A required parameter that specifies the path to the root folder which includes the testrun folders. An example is C:\Results.
-SourceIniPath1 A required parameter that specifies the path to source .ini file 1, relative to the RootFolder path. An example is NUC2\NUC2.ini.
-SourceIniPath2 A required parameter that specifies the path to source .ini file 2, relative to the RootFolder path. An example is Dungeon3\Dungeon3.ini.
-TargetName A required parameter that specifies the path to the new target .ini file and its name, relative to the RootFolder path. An example is NvsD.
-Prefix An optional parameter that specifies the prefix for the target folder name. Default is SxS. The resulting folder and .ini file name is SxS-NvsD\NvsD.ini.

Please review and if needed edit the resulting .ini file, in particular the Simload-specific findings.


STEP 7: Create HTML files for Side-by-Side View Mode (= Double)

The Create-5HtmlDouble script uses the templates and the .csv files to create an individual .html file for each side-by-side comparison.

  • .\Create-HtmlDouble.ps1 -IniPath .\SxS-Test1-vs-Test2\Test1-vs-Test2.ini -Telemetry Telemetry8Std
Parameter Description
-Rootfolder A required parameter that specifies the full path to the test run root folder. An example is d:\EUCScore-Results\Sequence1.
-IniPath A required parameter that specifies path and name of the .ini file that includes all configuration settings. An example is SxS-NvsD\NvsD.ini.
-Telemetry An optional parameter that specifies the section name in the .ini file with csv format settings. Default is Telemetry8Std.

In addition, the script creates a LinkList-STD-SxS-Foldername.html or LinkList-GPU-SxS-Foldername.html file in the SxSPlayer root folder.


STEP 8: Export Sync Player Clips

The Export-SyncPlayerClip.ps1 script exports one or all test sequence clips and the runtime libraries to a target folder structure...

  • .\Export-SyncPlayerClip.ps1 IniPath <string> -ExportFile <string> [-Simload <string>] [-IncludeAll]
Parameter Description
-IniPath A required parameter that specifies path and name of the .ini file that includes all configuration settings. An example is d:\EUCScore-Results\Sequence1\SxS-NvsD\NvsD.ini.
-ExportFile A required parameter that specifies the path that is the target of the export. An example is d:\Export.
-Simload An optional parameter that specifies the Name of an individual Simload. An example is SL1-NotepadEdit.
-IncludeAll A switch parameter, if set all reports in the the individual SL* subfolders are updated.



A number of additional PowerShell scripts are provided for post-production purposes.

  • Update-SyncPlayerReport.ps1: Rebuild one or all reports in the test sequence folders defined in the .ini file.
  • Convert-CsvFile.ps1: Read a .csv file, create a backup of it, replace strings and save results in a new .csv file with the original name. Typically used to convert the German number format to the US number format by switching periods and commas.